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Menieres Disease

What is Ménière’s disease?
  • Ménière’s disease is a balance disorder caused by an abnormality found in a section of the inner ear called the labyrinth.
  • There are an estimated 615,000 people in the US who have Ménière’s disease, with 45,500 new cases diagnosed each year.
What causes Ménière’s disease?

The labyrinth has two parts:

  • bony labyrinth
  • membranous labyrinth
  • The membranous labyrinth is encased in bone and contains a fluid called endolymph.
  • When the head moves, the endolymph also moves, which causes nerve receptors in the membranous labyrinth to signal the brain about the body’s motion.
  • When, for some reason, the endolymph increases, the membranous labyrinth balloons or dilates (a condition called endolymphatic hydrops).
  • If the membranous labyrinth ruptures, the endolymph mixes with another inner ear fluid called perilymph.
  • The mixing of the two fluids is believed to cause the symptoms of Ménière’s disease.
Treatment for Ménière’s disease:

Specific treatment for Ménière’s disease will be determined by your physician based on:

  • your age, overall health, and medical history
  • extent of the disease
  • your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies
  • expectations for the course of the disease
  • your opinion or preference