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Other Dermatitis Conditions

What are some other dermatitis conditions?

The following are some of the other common dermatitis conditions:

Condition Description Symptoms Treatment
localized scratch dermatitis A chronic inflammation of the skin that usually affects more women than men, and more Asians and Native Americans than other races.


The cause is unknown.

The condition can occur anywhere on the skin, including the anus. Symptoms may include:

  • itching
  • dryness and scaling
  • dark areas from rubbing
Effective treatment usually includes cessation of scratching or rubbing. Other treatment may include:

  • antihistamines or topical medications to control itching
  • corticosteroid creams
nummular dermatitis A chronic rash that most commonly affects men in their fifties and sixties and is more common in the winter.


The cause is unknown.

The condition is characterized by circular spots with small blisters, scabs, or scales. Although the condition can occur anywhere on the body, it usually appears on the back of the arms and legs, and on the buttocks. Other symptoms may include:

  • itchy areas of pimples
  • dry skin

Always consult your physician for a diagnosis.

Treatment depends on the individual person, as one treatment approach is not effective for everyone with this condition. Treatment may include:

  • antibiotics
  • corticosteroids
  • ultraviolet light therapy
perioral dermatitis A red, bumpy rash around the mouth and chin that usually affects women between the ages of 20 and 60.


The cause is unknown.

Symptoms may include acne- or rosacea-like bumps. Treatment may include:

  • tetracyclines (antibiotics)
  • acne medication
stasis dermatitis A chronic inflammation of the lower legs. Caused by pooling of blood and fluid under the skin, the condition tends to affect people with varicose veins and edema (swelling). The skin may turn dark brown from this condition. Other symptoms may include:

  • red and scaly skin
  • swelling
  • warm skin
The goal of treatment is to reduce the pooling of blood in the veins in the legs. Treatment may include:

  • elevating the legs
  • wearing support pantyhose to prevent fluid accumulation
  • applying cool compresses
  • keeping the skin clean to prevent infection
  • corticosteroid creams
  • antibiotics (if infection occurs)
  • zinc oxide dressings
  • skin grafts (if the skin develops large ulcers)