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Alcoholic Hepatitis


What is alcoholic hepatitis?

Hepatitis inflammation of the liver, resulting in liver cell damage and destruction. Alcoholic hepatitis is a complex serious Disease and is a precursor to chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. If an individual develops alcoholic hepatitis and abstains from drinking, the inflammation is often reversible over time. However, if the individual has already developed cirrhosis, the liver disease can progress rapidly to liver failure.

What are the symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis?

Each individual may experience symptoms differently such as:

  • Abdominal tenderness or pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Spider-Like Blood Vessels In The Skin
  • Ascites – Fluid Build-Up In The Abdominal Cavity.
  • Poor Appetite
  • Jaundice – Yellowing Of The Skin And Eyes.
  • Low Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling Ill
Treatment for alcoholic hepatitis:

Abstinence from alcohol is essential for reversing the hepatitis. This is a complex problem that may require an lintensive care treatment liver treatment protocol programme. There is no medication to cure alcoholic hepatitis; therefore, treatment involves medications that reducesthe inflammation in your liver and improves liver function.