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Acute Bronchitis


What is Acute Bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the breathing tubes (airways) that are called bronchi, which causes increased production of mucus and other changes. Acute and chronic are the two main types of Bronchitis.

Acute Bronchitis is the inflammation of mucous membranes of the Bronchial tubes.

What Causes Acute Bronchitis?
  • Infectious agents such as bacteria or viruses
  • Physical or chemical agents – dusts, allergens, strong fumes
  • Chemical cleaning compounds
  • Tobacco smoke

Acute bronchitis may follow the common cold or other viral infections in the upper respiratory tract. It may also occur in people with pulmonary or cardiac diseases, chronic sinusitis, allergies, or with enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Pneumonia is a complication that can follow bronchitis.

Treatment for Acute Bronchitis:

In most cases, antibiotic treatment is not necessary to treat Acute Bronchitis, since most of the infections are caused by viruses. The treatment is designed to address the symptoms and may include:

  • Analgesics For Fever And Discomfort
  • Cough Medicine
  • Increased Fluid Intake