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Foreign Object In Eye

What is Foreign object in eye?

A Foreign object in eye is something that doesn’t belong naturally to the eye and enters from outside. It can be anything from a small dust particle, grit or other substance like metal shard. Generally, these foreign objects are very small and when they get into the eye, they are harmless & can be easily removed. But in case of sharper objects and the intensity with which they hit the eye can cause serious consequences. When a foreign object enters the eye, it usually affects the cornea or the conjunctiva.

What are the cause of Foreign object in eye?

Majority of the foreign object enter the eye due to some kind of mishaps occurring in everyday lives. The most types of foreign objects that enter your eyes are:

  • Eyelashes
  • Sawdust
  • Dried mucus
  • Dirt & sand particles
  • Cosmetics
  • Contact lenses
  • Metal particles
  • Pieces of glass
What are the symptoms of Foreign object in eye?

The symptoms of Foreign object in eye appear almost immediately as soon as it enters the eye, namely:

  • Pain, discomfort or feeling of pressure in eye
  • Sensation of an object entering your eye
  • Extreme tearing
  • Excessive blinking
  • Red or blood shot eyes
  • Extreme sensitivity to light causing pain
How can Foreign object in eye be treated?

The treatment for Foreign object in eye depends on what the object is and how deep it has affected the eye. In case of small objects like dust, grid or eye lash, you can treat the eye yourself at home by thoroughly washing your eyes with tap water. In case, you still feel the object is there in your eye, you can use manual methods using a tissue or cotton swap.

For larger foreign objects that have entered your eye, you must immediately seek medical help. Any delay can lead to severe consequences. Your eye specialist may use topical medications, emergency care or even do surgery if required.

The ophthalmologist should be contacted immediately even after trivial harm.